If this is true, it puts the conception date on or about October 31, 2009. That means she was pregnant long before meeting Casey and even longer before she claimed to be starting the surrogacy process for both her brother's child and the child she and Casey were having with a war hero.
There you have it.
Then why was she wearing a tampon on November 20th?
She is a delusional LIAR. I am at the moment 13 1/2 weeks pregnant. At 11 1/2 weeks we had a NT Scan and you could see an actual shape of a baby, their little head and face.
Something is seriously wrong with this woman...
maybe she just likes inserting things into her vag. Lots and lots of things.
She claims to have an assistant, can't he write down her lies so she can keep track. And that picture from UStream with a Tampon string was Nov 20th? I just have NEVER seen such a bad/weird/lying/gross person in my life such as Tila!
We can only PRAY she is not really pregnant!
"Regardless who my baby daddy is.....since GAME is OUT OF MY LIFE CUZ HE IS A DOUCHE FOR LYING...My baby is going to be SO BEAUTIFUL
"As for loser GAME. He used me for press. We all know it. He got a album coming out, & used me to get press. LOSER! Over it. NEXT!"
Wow. How do you change who the baby daddy/sperm donor is after in vitro?
Oh my goooodness!! NOW she's hinting that that Raz2b dude is possibly the "baby daddy". This is better than ANY Springer show. Can someone not have her committed? Seriously, she's lost it!
I'm pretty sure there is no such thing as an in vitro gangbang this pathological little turd is almost suggesting. Veteran? Swedish? Game? Now Raz-B? Must've been one hell of a turkey bastin' evening.
Damn I love this BLOG!
It cracks me up, how she changes her story all the time. She will act like she isn't lying. Is she that crazy? Wonder who the baby daddy will be tomorrow?
"ok I gotta go. Im on bedrest for the next 2 weeks to get my baby healthy again. Phone off. No work stuff. Just eating, and sleeping. xox"
i wonder if "game" is gonna bust her in the gut with a hammer too... or if it will indeed be the "miscarriage of injustice"...
I think she's trying to make it sound like Tiger Woods is the baby daddy now.
So she's pissed at the Game for not helping her raise her baby, while being excited to be a single mother but taking up offers on twitter who will be the new baby daddy for the baby she's going to raise herself and still marry a woman? Got it.
That's just within the past hour.
She was supposed to be a lesbian since the 'incident' with Shawn Merriam.
What happened to Tila saying her assistant was changing her password? I know she says that nearly every day, but why can't it for once be true? Pregnant or not, this chick needs to get off twitter and reflect on her life (and also get off drugs).
Also, I think her assistant is negligent if he's not getting her into some serious psychiatric help.
The due date for this baby is all over the place. First she said she was in her first trimester, then she said she's 13 weeks which is second trimester, then a couple of hours ago she said she had nine more months to go........
Funny, the day after her 'ultrasound' she had morning sickness, for what seemed to be the first time. Morning sickness usually occurs from about weeks 4-6 and lasts about 12 weeks, which means she would likely be beyond the worst of it. Now, I know some people have really bad morning sickness the whole time, and others none at all, but it seems she's trying to match her story to what little she knows about pregnancy.
Next she'll be seen in Walmart buying pickles and ice cream and she'll make sure TMZ 'follows' her there as PROOF.
This is one painfully stupid woman. I have to go check her Twitter page to see if TAoMAH's are drinking this batch of KoolAid.
i think shes a liar and she uses the publicity to much, every one has been turned off her because shes just a massive dickhead, truly i dont think she has a life, shes a liar, and trys to hard to be something, yet we see, tila claims rihanna has herpes, then she gets bashed, then shes engaged, now shes having a baby what a fucking liar
Just finished making love to my baby daddy. So beautiful. My child is going to be SO BEAUTIFUL! Viet/French/African American and Caucasian!
she's "100% lesbian" but "just finshed making love to my baby daddy"? Come the fuck on.
Heres another one of her being caught up in her lies.. Shes a lesbian but:
"Just finished making love to my baby daddy. So beautiful. My child is going to be SO BEAUTIFUL! Viet/French/African American and Caucasian!"
So shes either just admitting that shes not pregnant, or she doesn't realize you can't get pregnant twice. She does all this shit for attention its so see through.
I was just going to say that. In mid November she posted that video on ustream of her pulling a tampon out of her vagina...she was twittering last night at 1 in the morning that she was in the middle of filing paperwork right then on adopting children from Haiti...she also twittered once yesterday that shell announce the father of her baby. Didn't she just do that? She said game was! and now she twittered "just made love to my baby daddy" After twittering for hours that she was a lesbian and she only likes guys for their sperm. Which she said she wants more of so she can have another baby after this one is born. WTF is wrong with this woman? I've never seen a bigger trainwreck.
This woman has some sever mental issues.
Does anyone else think it's absurd that if she is indeed pregnant that she's still drinking soda? I thought that was one of the rules...no soda on the baby. Whoops!
Oh my God, this woman is driving me crazy!
She really should reflect on all her twitter updates with lies in them (So...all of them) before she posts more lies! If she fakes a miscarriage, she fucking deserves to get punched in the face. I've been through one and anyone who fucking fakes them for attention are pieces of SHIT.
so how is she going to go on tour in ausie with a big belly is my question??
"PPL keep saying I'm LYING about being pregnant! Jesus just Leave me alone! How u gon lie about being pregnant & u got a belly showing? SMH"
dont you have to be 3 months in order to show??
Tila just posted a picture of her wearing her 3-year-old nephew's leather jacket.. There was absolutely NO BABY BUMP even though she claims she has one. What a liar.
Now look what she is claiming!!
# I am the virgin Mary, and my child will be born Jesus Christ. I am the second Coming.......God told me so. I shall save all the good people about 3 hours ago from web
OOOOH, her newest is GOOOD! She actually tweeted that she is the "Virgin Mary" and that she's giving birth to the "Son of God". WTF!?!?!??!
I love how she needs an assistant to change her twitter password like it's this big complicated ordeal when she's always on twitter all day anyway (when she's not sleeping) and can easily do it herself
I love how she acts like changing her twitter password is some complicated process that she needs to have her assistant do it for her, when she's always sitting on twitter anyway (when she's not sleeping).
That chick is really sick. First the father of her baby was a War vet, then it was The Game, then she was touting about how much of a lesbian she is and how she only wants men for conception purposes, then talks about, after The Game said he in no way was the father of her baby, having just made love to her baby daddy.
Bitch, please!
I used to be a horrid liar, and then at some point in my 20s, I was like "It's easier to remember the truth" and I stopped. She's a compulsive liar, she CAN'T stop, and that's really sad, and really, extremely sick. I'm guessing that's why she deleted her Twitter account, was getting busted in her own lies too much. She couldn't even go back and re-read her postings so she DIDN'T trip herself up? Ok, a liar and a lazy one at that!
She is so sick. Now she is rambling abut Jesus and so on...Very woman
Go to http://www.tilashotspot.buzznet.com/
Tila talks about how she would rather abort her "baby" than have a sex tape be leaked.
All kinds of crap has gone down in the last couple days so let's see an update here. Please?
She is NOT a lesbian and needs to shut her stupid mouth! She probably got knocked up by some random Joe while she was trying to get some sort of tv deal and failed OR she's most likely making up the entire pregnancy crap and in a couple of weeks the dumb ass is going to announce that she had a miscarriage and AGAIN seek attention!!!
It must SURELY be twitter having some kind of breakdown.. surely...
This is my new favorite blog. Somehow, I imagine it being narrated by Paul Harvey...I just wish at the end, instead of saying "There you have it," you would say "...and THAT'S the REST of the story."
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